New Americans reports to a New Americans Ministry Team which in turn reports to the governing board of elders called the session. New Americans Ministry is led by a team of volunteers. New Americans is funded by donations to The First Presbyterian Church of Champaign for the work of New Americans.

For more information or to volunteer contact Bob Kirby at or 217-621-5915
Migrants: And Where Would The World Be Now

As Christians who believe in the dignity of every human being, we have established a set of principles that drive our work and call us to love and respect our immigrant brothers and sisters:

·      We believe all people, regardless of national origin or citizenship status, are made in the "image of God" and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect (Genesis 1:26-27, 9:6).

·      We believe there is an undeniable responsibility to love and show compassion for the stranger among us (Deuteronomy 10:18-19, Leviticus 19:33-34, Matthew 25:31-46).

·      We believe that immigrants are our neighbors-both literally and figuratively-and we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and show mercy to neighbors in need (Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:25-37).

·      We believe in the rule of law, but we also believe that we are to oppose unjust laws and systems that harm and oppress people made in God's image, especially the vulnerable (Isaiah 10:1-4, Jeremiah 7:1-7, Acts 5:29, Romans 13:1-7).

As we strive to faithfully live out these values, we also recognize that the current U.S. immigration system is broken and reform is urgently needed. The stories are endless of those who face the detrimental effects of our impractical immigration system. The biblical principles above compel us to support immigration reform legislation that includes the following elements that will help remedy the many injustices happening around the country: 

·      Enforcement initiatives that are consistent with humanitarian values

·      Reforms in our family-based immigration system that reduce waiting times for separated families to be reunited

·      A process for all immigrant workers and their families already in the U.S. to earn citizenship upon satisfaction of specific criteria

·      An expansion of legal avenues for workers and families to enter our country and work in a safe and legal manner with their rights and due process fully protected

·      Examining solutions to address the root causes of migration, such as economic disparities between sending and receiving nations

(Campaign for Comprehensive Immigration Reform- Sojourners)

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